
This is the Constitution of Castle Wheelers cycle club Highcliffe

1. The purpose of the club is to promote cycling in and around Highcliffe and further afield as may be arranged through the committee.

2. The club will be administered by a committee consisting of The Chairman, Club Secretary & ride co-ordinator, Treasurer, Membership & IT Secretary and Social Secretary.

3. Committee members may perform more than one role, with the exception of Chair and Treasurer.

4. Other roles performed by the committee will include deputy treasurer, publicity, welfare and safety.

5. The Committee has discretion to limit the membership based on safety for all members. Candidates shall be invited to join the club after demonstrating cycling competence, road craft, health and interest.

6. Members shall pay an annual subscription as determined at the AGM. Membership may be refused or revoked for conduct likely to bring the club into disrepute. A member has the right to appeal to the Committee and the Committee decision shall be final.

7. Guests may join a club ride by invitation. A guest may take part in a ride free of charge a maximum of 3 times. Further rides will require membership of the club.

8. The committee will hold quarterly meetings or as circumstances may dictate.

9. The committee will hold an Annual General Meeting every March which will be open to all members.

10. All members may submit a motion to AGM in writing at least 21 days in advance.

11. All members may submit candidates for election/re-election in writing to the Committee at least 21 days in advance of the AGM.

12. At the AGM a new committee will be elected, any member may stand for election.

13. All members may vote at any General Meeting. In the event of a tie, the Chair has the casting vote. Members must attend in person, no proxy-voting.

14. The quorum for all General Meetings is 20% of total membership.

15. Special General Meetings may be held by written request, at least 21 days in advance.

16. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual financial statement each year, approved by the deputy Treasurer, and send same to all members at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting for acceptance by vote at the AGM.

17. The club’s property and funds cannot be used for the private benefit of members.

18. The committee may wind up the club if deemed appropriate due to lack of members or funds. Upon dissolution, all assets will be divided among members or donated to charity as the committee may decide.

Constitution adopted at the AGM held on: 22 March 2024

Signed by:-